Did this behavior just start occurring within Blackboard? Are you hosting in as a web or LMS published file? Are you seeing this behavior in a particular browser or across a number of browsers? What update and version of Storyline are you using (the latest is Storyline 2 Update 11)? Have you been able to test the content in any other environments such as SCORM Cloud or Tempshare to rule out a change within Blackboard? If you've run into the same thing, I'd be curious to know any more information about your experience so that we could troubleshoot further. We are often met with limited information in the ELH community forums about a particular issue or how to replicate it, so that is why we tend to start with the simplest solution and work our way out from there and we've found that it often resolves the issue to work that way. It wasn't meant with any type of offense, but a reminder about the procedures that needed to occur for content to play properly. This discussion is a bit older, but I wanted to clarify that with Karen that she was uploading the entire contents of the published folder to her Blackboard server, not just linking to the story.html file.